Informative – Geofsphere Optimum Tech Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:02:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Informative – Geofsphere 32 32 136493593 7 Reasons Why Remote Tech Training Is Better Than Offline Training? Sat, 03 Jun 2023 22:10:27 +0000

“Why is remote tech training better than offline/physical class tech training” I have been asked this question multiple times by our incoming students.

As a matter of fact, this is the one of the main reason behind the publishing of this post.

If you have ever wondered yourself, why more people are now opting for one-on-one remote training, other than the usual physical class group training, then this post is for you.

Also, if you are you looking for a more flexible and faster approach to tech learning, Look no further. In this post, you are going to discover seven reasons why remote tech training is better than offline tech training.

1. Convenience

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With remote tech training, you can learn anywhere, anytime, and on any device. No need to spend time and money on travel, lodging, or meals.

You can simply log in to your training session from the comfort of your own home, office, or even during your commute.

You can still continue your training even when you go on vacation; Natural disaster like rain or storm can not disrupt your training, since all you need is just your PC and internet.

2. Customized Learning Experience

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With one on one remote tech training, you get a customized learning experience tailored to your needs. You can focus on specific areas of technology that you want to learn about or improve upon.

Your training can be designed to fit your learning style, pace, and schedule. Your dedicated tutor already understands your strengths as well as your weaknesses, so she/he would give you a more personalized training to help you learn faster and conveniently.

3. Greater Interaction

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During remote tech training, there is greater interaction between the trainer and the trainee. Since it is a one on one session, you have the trainer’s full attention and can ask questions and get immediate feedback.

This level of interaction is harder to achieve in an offline/offsite training session. Isn’t that cool?

4. Up-to-Date Knowledge

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Remote tech trainers are usually professionals with up-to-date knowledge in their area of expertise.

They are usually actively working in the field and can provide real-world examples and insight that may not be available in offline/offsite training sessions.


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Remote tech training is often more cost-effective than offline/offsite training because there is no need for expenses such as commuting, lodging, or meals.

You also save time and money by avoiding time off from work or other commitments.

6. Greater Flexibility

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Remote tech training sessions can be scheduled during weekends, evenings, or even early mornings, making it more flexible for those who have busy schedules.

It can also be rescheduled or extended if necessary, without any major inconvenience. Now isn’t that what you have always wanted?

7. Quality Assurance

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Some remote tech training providers offer a satisfaction guarantee, giving you peace of mind that you are learning from a reputable source and that your training will meet your expectations.

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In conclusion, remote tech training offers convenience, customization, interaction, up-to-date knowledge, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and quality assurance.

So why waste time and money on offline/offsite training when you can get all these benefits from one on one remote tech training? Or worse still, have your other important events and schedules clash with your training?

Geofsphere’s remote tech training services comes with all these great benefits and even more.

If you are interested in a fast-track, high value python programming training experience, with other hot-in-market skills like Linux, bash scripting and more as bonuses, click here to learn more and get started.

To start talking to a dedicated tutor right now via WhatsApp chat, click here.

Furthermore, feel free to subscribe to our tech emails and coding tips for free. If you’d like to brush up your python programming skills as well, help yourself with our free python tutorials.

If you found this post helpful, or you have anything else to add, kindly use the comment section.

7 Must-Ask Questions Before Paying for Your Website Design Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:24:40 +0000 image about website design

A website is a crucial aspect of any business in the digital age. It acts as a virtual storefront, giving potential customers a first impression of your brand.

Thus, investing in a website design that represents your business is crucial. However, finding the right web developer and paying for website design can be a daunting task.

Here are the five must-ask questions before paying for your website design:

1. Portfolio of Previous Work

Can you provide me with a portfolio of your previous work?

Before hiring a developer, ask for a portfolio of their previous work. This will give you a clear idea of their design style and capabilities.

Ensure that you look for websites in the same industry or niche as yours. This way, you can evaluate their experience in designing websites like yours.

However, your intended project might also look unique, and might have more like an out-of-the-box approach. In situations like this you must not necessarily look for the exact project in the developers portfolio.

You just need to confirm through the developer’s portfolio, that he/she is well experienced and dynamic enough to achieve the intended project.

2. WEBSITE Design Process

What is your design process?

A developer’s design process is crucial to know before hiring them. Understanding their design process gives you an idea of what to expect and ensures that you are aligned with their design approach.

Ensure that you inquire about their design research, wire-framing, mockups, and revisions process. Also take into account the requirements from you, and make sure you understand them properly before making payment.

3. Responsive Design

Can you design a responsive website?

With the rise of mobile usage, responsive website design is crucial. Ensure that you ask if the developer can design a website that adapts to different screen sizes.

A responsive website design will ensure that your website is user-friendly and accessible on all devices.

4. SEO Optimization

How will you optimize my website for search engines?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for online visibility. Ask the developer how they will optimize your website for SEO.

Ensure that they will optimize your website’s structure, meta tags, content, and images. You should also take into account how they plan to optimize your site for performance and speed.

This will ensure that your website ranks higher on search engines, leading to increased traffic and sales. Most times people tend to think too much about looks that they forget the productivity aspect.

5. Cost and Inclusions

How much will it cost, and what is included in the price?

Before hiring a developer, ensure that you understand the cost and what is included in the price.

Inquire about any additional costs such as hosting, domain, and maintenance fees. Additionally, ask about the estimated time frame for completion.


How do you plan to secure my website against hackers?

In the digital age, business owners tend to bring some basic transactions online, to save time, make business easier and faster for both the buyer and seller.

This in return has increased cyber attacks rates on websites and web applications by black hat hackers. Security of your website is of paramount importance.

Your developer should enforce some standard hardening of your site security system, like ensuring the option of 2 factor authentication, removing the possibility of SQL injection and other modern site security global practices.


Will my website be designed to aid conversion?

Your website design should not just be about modern UI and beauty alone, it should have the ability to capture visitors attention in seconds, a standard copy writing skills is required in conversion.

Your developer should be able to tell your site visitors how you can solve their problems with your products or services in a matter of seconds, using compelling landing and web pages on your website.

At the end of the day, your website should be able to help you improve your business, that’s why you are paying for it. To see more on how your website can improve your business check out this post.


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In conclusion, paying for website design can be an intimidating process. However, by asking these seven questions, you can ensure that you hire the right developer for your website design needs.

Remember to inquire about their portfolio, design process, responsive design, SEO optimization, security of your website and conversion possibilities.

With these questions answered, you can rest assured that your website design will represent your brand and help grow your business.

To get a productive and top notch website design that will address the mentioned questions, along with other great features, click here to start chatting with a dedicated developer at once.

You Should Start Learning LInux Now Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:29:31 +0000 Learning linux feature image

Are you still wondering why you should learn Linux in today’s tech-driven world? Like why the heck are all the tech guys talking about Linux?

Wonder no more, In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of learning Linux and why it’s a must-have skill in the digital era.

First things first, Linux is an operating system just like Windows or macOS, but with a key difference – it’s open-source.

This means that it’s free to use, modify and distribute, and its source code is available to anyone who wants to study or improve it.

With Linux, you have complete control over your system, which is not the case with proprietary operating systems.

Now, let’s get to the juicy part – why you should learn Linux today. The answer is simple – Linux skills are in high demand in the tech industry, and for good reason. Here are some reasons why you should learn Linux:

Job Opportunities:

Learning Linux opens up a world of job opportunities. Companies are always looking for professionals who are proficient in Linux administration, programming, and security.

Think about it: Linux powers about over 70% of all web servers today.

According to a report by the Linux Foundation, 97% of hiring managers say they will hire a Linux professional in the next six months, and 89% of them find it difficult to find qualified Linux talent.


Linux is versatile and can be used on almost any device, from servers to smartphones, and from IoT devices to supercomputers.

This means that you can apply your Linux skills in various industries, such as finance, healthcare, education, and government.


Linux is known for its robust security features, which make it less vulnerable to malware and cyber attacks.

In a world where cyber-crime is on the rise, learning Linux security can help you secure your own systems and also help you in securing others’ systems.


With Linux, you have the flexibility to customize your system according to your needs. You can choose from hundreds of different distributions, each with its own set of features and tools.


As mentioned earlier, Linux is free and open-source, which makes it cost-effective for both individuals and organizations. You don’t have to spend money on licensing fees or subscriptions.

DON’T MISS OUT: Now, if you’re still not convinced about learning Linux, think about missing out in a super-relevant skills today in the tech world.

While you’re procrastinating, others are learning and gaining a competitive advantage. Linux is not going away anytime soon, and the demand for Linux professionals will only increase in the future.

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In conclusion, learning Linux is a wise investment in your future. It opens up job opportunities, makes you versatile, enhances your security skills, provides flexibility, and saves you money.

So, what are you waiting for? Start learning Linux today and stay ahead of the curve.

To enroll in our one on one, private and remote Linux training today, click here to start talking to your tutor right away.

To be sure you don’t miss out on relevant tech-related information like this, subscribe to our free but valuable newsletter today.

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Web Content Management System Sun, 08 Jan 2023 18:59:43 +0000 an image of a content management system

Are you struggling to keep up with your website’s content? Are you finding it hard to maintain a consistent brand image online? If so, then it may be time to consider implementing a web content management system (CMS).


A CMS is a platform that allows businesses to easily create, edit, and publish website content. It streamlines the content creation process and ensures that all content is consistent and up-to-date.

The fun part is that you don’t even need coding experience nor any advanced technical skills to use a CMS, as it is not required. Though having such skills can be an added advantage.

Some of the most popular content management systems (CMS) today include:

  1. WordPress: WordPress is a free, open-source CMS that is used by millions of websites worldwide. It is user-friendly and has a large community of developers and users who contribute to its growth and development.
  2. Joomla: Joomla is another popular open-source CMS that is used by a variety of websites, including online stores, news websites, and corporate websites. It is known for its flexibility and ability to handle complex websites.
  3. Drupal: Drupal is a powerful open-source CMS that is used by many large websites, including government websites and news websites. It is known for its scalability and ability to handle a high volume of traffic.
  4. Magento: Magento is a popular CMS for e-commerce websites. It is known for its advanced features and ability to handle large online stores.
  5. Shopify: Shopify is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that is used by many small and medium-sized businesses to create online stores. It is known for its simplicity and user-friendliness.

In this post, we’ll discuss seven reasons why web content management system can improve your business:


A CMS saves time and effort by streamlining the content creation process.

Instead of manually updating each page on your website, a CMS allows multiple team members to collaborate and make updates from a central location.

This means that your team can focus on creating high-quality content instead of getting bogged down by the technical aspects of website management.

2. Enhanced User Experience

A well-managed website is crucial for providing a positive user experience. With a CMS, you can ensure that all content is consistent, up-to-date, and easy to navigate.

This can lead to increased website traffic and conversions, as users are more likely to return to a website that is well-maintained.


A Web content management system can help improve your website’s SEO by making it easier to add and update relevant keywords and meta tags.

This can help increase your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.

There are some good popular wordpress plugins like Rankmath and Yoast, which you can use to easily optimize your wordpress pages, posts, products and more.

These plugins automatically highlights the SEO errors and the requirements on your content, making it easy for you to adjust it in a way your content will stand a good chance of ranking high in search engines.

4. YOU CAN MAINTAIN Better Brand Image with Web Content Management SYSTEM

A CMS allows you to maintain a consistent brand image across all your online channels. With a consistent brand voice and messaging, you can establish trust and credibility with your audience.

5. Flexibility and Scalability

A CMS gives you the flexibility to easily make changes to your website as your business grows and evolves. It also allows you to scale up your content creation efforts as needed, without having to worry about technical limitations.

6. Enhanced Security

A CMS helps protect your website from security threats by providing regular software updates and security patches. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your website and its content are secure.

7. Improved Collaboration

A CMS makes it easy for multiple team members to collaborate and make updates to your website. This can improve communication and help ensure that all content is consistent and on-brand.


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In conclusion, web content management can improve your business by streamlining the content creation process, enhancing the user experience, increasing SEO, improving your brand image, providing flexibility and scalability, enhancing security, and improving collaboration. Investing in a CMS is a smart move for any business looking to improve its online presence and reach.

To get free consultation on how a web content management system can improve your business right now click here to chat a web content manager right away.

To start using web content management system on your business now, check out our web content management services here.

Why Every Business Needs a Website today Fri, 06 Jan 2023 21:35:29 +0000

What if I tell you that, at this very moment, right under your nose, your competitors are grabbing some of your ideal customers, closing deals with them and smiling away with success.

Yes, and it’s no BS. If you don’t have a website in this digital age, you are definitely loosing out. In other words, having a website for business is no longer an option, it’s a necessity!

It’s a very loud market out there, and everyone is trying their best to make sure they are heard. Why would you know what to do and not do it?

Well.. May be you don’t even know why you need a website yet, or you just know so little. In this post I will give you 5 good reasons why you should get a website for your business ASAP!

1. Customer Expectations:

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Most of the time, consumers expect to be able to find information about a company online. If you don’t have a website, customers may question the legitimacy of your business or go to a competitor’s site.

Yet another way to loose customers to your competitors. Sadly we live in the era of social engineering and other sorts of frauds. And the most convenient way to look a business up is on the world wide web.

You want to be there when they look.


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A website allows your business to be found by more people. When people search for products or services that you offer, your website can appear in the search results, increasing the chances that they will visit your site and potentially become customers.

When a good developer creates a website for business, he/she considers a lot of things other than the looks, am talking about search engine optimization, good user experience, speed and over all performance.

The aforementioned helps a website rank high in search engines. Thereby giving you organic traffic and increased visibility.

If you’d like to learn more about the possibilities, on how a website can increase your business visibility now, leverage our free consultation program and chat a developer on WhatsApp right away.

3. A well designed website increases your business credibility:

A professional website helps to establish credibility for your business. It shows that you are committed to your brand and are willing to invest in it.

A well-designed website can also give the impression that your business is trustworthy and reliable.

In addition to the visual design of the website, having accurate and up-to-date information on your website can also contribute to your credibility.

In essence, Providing detailed information about your products or services, as well as contact information and business hours, can help establish trust with potential customers.

Further-more, having a website can also help your business appear more credible in search engine results.

When people search for products or services that you offer, a website can help your business appear more legitimate and increase the chances that people will visit your site and potentially become customers.

Overall, a website for business is an important tool for establishing credibility for your business in the digital age. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to showcase your business in a professional and reliable manner – Get a website today.


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A website can serve as a marketing tool for your business. You can use it to promote your products or services, provide information about your business, and even sell products directly to customers.

We live in a “online-first” society today, which means most people would prefer to look for/order products online first before going outdoor to search for it.

Whether you sell products or services, it’s much possible and also convenient to sell it online, automate stuffs like invoicing, gathering of information and storing of data.

You can actually save up to 4 hours of the time you spend everyday with prospects explaining or pitching your product value, simply by putting up all the information on your website.


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Having a website can be a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience. Traditional forms of advertising, such as radio or television commercials, can be expensive and may not reach as many people as a website can.

In addition to the initial cost of building a website, the ongoing costs of maintaining a website are generally lower than those of traditional advertising methods.

With a website, you have control over the content and can make updates and changes as needed without incurring additional costs.

A website can also be a cost-effective way to sell products directly to customers. By setting up an online store, you can reach customers from all over the world and eliminate the need for a physical storefront.

Creating a website for business can save on overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and staffing.

Overall, a website is a cost-effective way to promote and sell products or services, reach a wide audience, and establish credibility for your business.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of the internet.

In case you already have a website and in need of pragmatic content management that brings result, you might want to leverage our content management services.


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In conclusion, every business should have a website in 2023. It’s no longer a thing of choice, at least not if you want to succeed in today’s competitive market.

A good website allows you to meet customer expectations, increase visibility, establish credibility, use it as a marketing tool, and it is also cost-effective.

Don’t let your business fall behind the competition. Creating a website for business is like having a turbo button on your car dashboard while on a race.

Now It’s time to get you something that will propel your business ahead the competition. Something secure, modern, productive, time saving and more.

The Fun part is that our website design service is super flexible, which means you can choose only the features you need and pay for it, which makes it even affordable, yet of high value.

4 BENEFITS OF REMOTE PRIVATE TECH TRAINING Thu, 28 Jul 2022 16:00:06 +0000 wordpress private training featured image

The era of covid-19 did not just bring only the bad, there were a few good developments that came with it. In fact there was a big eyeopener on a better alternative to the conventional way of work and learning.

The world has come to see the light in the “remote” approach of all these things, other than the usual office, classrooms, outdoor seminars and the likes.

Though it sounds too good, yet it’s true that in some niches like tech, you only need a good internet source and a good PC to get most jobs and training done. Even from your comfort zone and any location in the world.

Am sure you are quite familiar with some online meeting apps like zoom, Microsoft teams and google meet. Apart from using these apps for meeting, training and conference, it can also be used for one-on-one private tech training/meeting as well, which now brings us to the topic of the day.

The advantages/benefits of remote private tech training can never be overemphasized. In this post we will look into a couple of them, to learn more about them, keep reading below:


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Imagine when every session and the entire training period is all about you. No one is disrupting your training with questions about stuffs you already know.

You present your challenges directly, and also in real time, get them solved immediately and forge ahead, not waiting for your question to be answered via some Q/A forum or email response.

As opposed to most bootcamps courses out there, your tutor shares every important aspect of his/her experience with you, especially the lessons learnt through the hard way so you don’t have to go through that same hell.

Truly, learning in tech is a continuous thing not a sprint. However, part of the idea in private tech training is not to sell more courses to you after each one, but to get you ready to continue the learning journey on your own without having to run back every now and then.

A proper one-on-one private tech training is designed to make learning not only easy, flexible, private alone but also make learning fast paced and more goal oriented.


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Knowing about all the stress and costs associated with the conventional way of tech training, one can easily get discouraged in getting one’s desired tech knowledge/skills.

Trying to beat the traffic so you can be there before the tutor; Of course you have to leave the comfort of your home first; Worrying about your class timing clashing with your other important stuffs; Or even missing classes due to ailment and etc.

Fortunately with the private tech training approach, you don’t need to worry about any of those aforementioned issues. For instance, you schedule your class to the time that suits you, you are the boss here!

No worries on traffic or even have to drive to any training hall or classroom, you can even sit on your own bed for all you care as long as you are following along. You can still travel and take classes from mars as long as you have internet and a PC.

You can call off schedules and reschedule when you are ill or need to take care of loved ones. You are actually in control of your training.


The importance of privacy can never be over-emphasized in today’s world. We live in a world where people can actually commit suicide just because of constant rubbing of their mistakes and ignorance on their face.

Imagine you are in a class with people far more intelligent than you are, and you asked a very dumb question, a fellow student records it, tomorrow you scroll down to a video of that in your instagram or linkedin feeds.

Some people are extremely too shy to ask questions in a class, some are too egocentric to ask questions about simple stuffs, some students are not also good with English language.

I could go on and on to tell you the privacy related challenges that can come up from the conventional way of tech training but let’s stick to how one-on-one private tech training can help with your privacy more than the conventional way can.

Every good tutor knows that the student’s questions is very important no matter how smart or dumb they appear, so he/she encourages the student ask questions when in doubt or confused.

You’ll never have to worry about your weaknesses/flaws when in private training, because it’s even your tutor’s responsibility to understand your weaknesses as well as your strengths, to know better how to make your training more effective and session time more productive.


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The conventional way of being together in a classroom creates room for making more contacts with different people and various systems/objects like public restrooms, door handles, desks and the likes.

The covid-19 pandemic era has taught us a lot about the benefits of working and learning remotely. Imagine having your home bell ring and you got to the door only to have some health officials question you about your health, reason is because a fellow student has been diagnosed of a contagious disease.

No one has ever been known to contact any form of disease from another person via computer or a phone call, at least not to my knowledge.

It’s a fact that accidents and diseases can actually happen and be contacted even from your own bathroom or toilet. But it’s also a fact that Learning remotely reduces the chances of you been exposed to accidents and diseases. Think about it for a minute..


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Now you have some information already on why you should choose remote private tech training approach over the conventional way. Am sure you can think of other reasons yourself too.

However, knowing is not enough, knowledge is useless without action. Are you thinking of gaining a relevant and a high in demand tech skills without having to obstruct your current job or program?

Have you thought of python yet? Or even word-press? In case you haven’t, then take a look at this post and discover why you should be learning python now.

Our one-on-one python remote training and wordpress private training comes with all the advantages mentioned on this post and even more. Our aim is to train you in a way that you don’t have to depend on anyone else in your learning except yourself.

We will arm you with the rare skills which you can use to learn even more but on your own, diversify into other relevant advanced tech skills.

If you’d like to know more about our private tech training program, kindly chat with us on WhatsApp or write us directly here.

6 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python Now Mon, 07 Feb 2022 22:07:20 +0000 learn python image

It’s only fair to agree that most top programming languages has their various unique uses and special pros, however, in recent times, python has proven to be one of the most in-demand programming languages.

WHAT IS PYTHON? According to wikipedia: Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation.

Its language constructs as well as its object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

To see more detailed explanation on wikipedia’s article on python click here. On this post, I’ll only discuss reasons why you should learn python.


There are many reasons why one should learn python programming today, whether you are coming from another programming language, switching from another niche or a total beginner. However am going to focus on the major and popular ones on this post.


Python is in no doubt a versatile and flexible programming language, for instance: you can use python for the top and most common tech projects like:

  • Data science
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Cyber security
  • Web development
  • Cross-platform and mobile application development
  • Web scraping

It could be a long list if I continue mentioning but I’ll stop at the ones listed above. If you are a programmer you’d know that before now, for you to build or work on projects like the ones I mentioned above, you’d need experience in other languages like PHP, Java, JavaScript and etc.

Not like knowing the other languages is not an added advantage but you can save yourself some time and focus more on building. Python frameworks like Django can help a python programmer speed up web application development, you just need to have the basic knowledge on HTML, CSS, perhaps Bootstrap and Jquery.

Meanwhile you can also use python modules like kivi, Tkinter and other python GUI modules to build GUI(Graphical User Interface) based application. The fun part is that you don’t have to re-invent the wheel. With kivi you can build a cross-platform application instead of learning different programming languages.


I personally learnt the basics of JavaScript before learning python, I have also seen what other top programming languages syntax look and I can tell you that: If you are total newbie who’s aspiring to become a programmer, you should learn python first, may be later try out other ones depending on your career direction.

Python syntax are simple and user-friendly, you can even memorize many of them as most of them look a bit like English.

Meanwhile, Python is also dynamic typed, which makes naming much easier. Python makes use of white space and automatically indents for you to make your code look cleaner and better to read. It’s OK to say that “To learn python is easier than to learn other top programming languages”.


I bet you have heard that phrase many times: “Automate boring stuff with python” It’s no BS at all, with python you can automate tasks you do repeatedly. Let’s take web scraping for instance:

You can code up a web scraper that goes to a particular website to get news, price and other updates for you and have them send to your email, then you can even host this scraper on cloud. You can even use a platform like Python Everywhere and host it for free.

Now you don’t have to visit those news, price and etc sites every now and then to get update, you just get the update right inside your mailbox at any interval you scheduled without hassles.

There are other useful scripting you can do with python as well, even on your local system/server, like creating a script that will do jobs that would require a lot of input on the command line. You can even use python to execute some tasks which you’d have done ordinarily with bash scripting.

Convinced enough yet to learn python? Click here to get a seamless, border-less and fast-paced python one on one training today or continue reading further below.


It’s a great experience to learn python but you know what’s even more fun? The large and active python community. Listen! you will always run into bugs, especially as a beginner, it’s inevitable, which is also part of learning.

So where do you run to when you can not fix the bug yourself? That’s where the amazing community comes in, sometimes you might not find your solution on regular websites, you just have to visit communities like stack overflow and others to ask your questions, 90 out of 100 times you’ll get help or a link to help.


Who would want to re-invent the wheels in this century? Python comes with a massive miscellaneous libraries which makes it even easier and fun to learn python programming than most top programming languages.

There is a module and package for almost everything you can do with python, from data science, networking, web development to even artificial intelligence.

These libraries saves you a great deal of time while on a project, you can also contribute to them as they are mostly open sourced. You can even discover some of this libraries by just researching for them on google.


It’s no longer news that python is one of the most fast growing programming language today. Just like the demand in the business world today is also fast growing. Now that you know most of the great stuffs one can do with python, it’s no-brainer to figure out the relevance in most hot businesses/industries.

Even a one year-experienced python programmer that actually knows what he or she is doing might be looking at from $50k – $120k annually as an employee,(for instance: python developer, machine learning engineer, backend engineer).

These are facts that you can even verify on your own right now. To learn python is definitely a win win for you.

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Python is hot and relevant in the tech and business world at large today, and there is no better time to start learning than now. Whether you are making a switch from another niche to tech or you are a computer science graduate, it would be a great investment to learn python programming today.

Before I call this post a wrap, let me list a few popular big companies that uses python:

  • Netflix
  • IBM
  • NASA
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Google
  • Dropbox

It’s one thing to learn python programming, it’s another to do it right and be successful at it, Pythgenie has designed a unique process that is tailored to success and productivity, all you have to do is just say the word here, and it begins.

What are you still waiting for, more words? Remember, “What you do today determines your tomorrow” – John Spence. If you start today, what do you think will be happening by this time next year? I’ll leave the answer to you.

7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Hackers Tue, 18 Jan 2022 17:24:43 +0000 how to protect yourself from hackers image2


There are two major types of hackers: Black hat and White hat, the black hat hacker is the one that hacks into your online account, PC or mobile device without your permission with the aim to steal or damage vital information, or worst still blackmails or extorts money from you after gaining access to your device or PC.

White hat hackers (also known as ethical hackers)on the other hand is the one that with your permission, tests your security walls on your online accounts, websites, devices and etc to ascertain how to protect you better. Ever heard of pen-testers, cyber security admins or system engineers? These are some of the major roles of white hat hackers.

Meanwhile, black hat hacking rate has increased massively in recent times, it’s only wise for you to stay informed in ways to protect yourself from hackers.

These guys are dedicated to their objectives and would keep upgrading their tactics and skills to achieve their aim or to even make it easier than it use to be for themselves. In essence it is also vital that you stay up to date on the best ways to protect your self from them.

However, in this post I’m going to briefly discuss 7 ways which you can follow to protect yourself from hackers(Black Hat):

Never access personal or financial data with public Wi-Fi

Because most public WIFIs are free, and of course no one likes to spend more money when you don’t have to, we tend to opt for free WIFI in public places like workplace, airport, schools and etc. But it has never been a good practice, you could be spoofed and your vital financial details get stolen which might lead to a serious financial problem.

But, there’s a way out, if you must use public WIFI probably because you ran out of options, then use a good VPN(Virtual Private Network) which masks your IP address, encrypt your data and more, I’ll discuss about VPN and how it works in another post in the future.

You can search google to find out about the best VPNs both free and paid ones to help you protect yourself from hackers while using public WIFI.

Always be sure you trust links, pictures and attachments sources before clicking or downloading them.

Are you one of those that speed-clicks links without a second thought? Please avoid doing that, it could get you into trouble, be sure you trust links and attachments before clicking on them, a black hat hacker can impersonate someone you know or a well known organization and offer you an enticing stuffs with attachments as proof or vital documents which has been stocked with malware.

Did you know that malware can be coded inside a picture using a programming language like python? Yes it’s possible, so be sure of the sources of pictures before downloading and opening them on your device.

Enable two/multi-factor authenticatioN

Almost everyone has an online account in multiple websites and social media platforms these days. But it’s also your duty to protect yourself from hackers while using these platforms and websites.

Two factor authentication apps like google authenticator or similar apps can help you stop these hackers on their tracks, especially when your password gets compromised. Some people tends to use their mobile number as an authenticator but it’s not a better option than apps, if you lose your number or your sim gets swapped by hackers you might run into more trouble.

Always use a strong password

Common mistakes we see everyday in most hacking cases were due to weak passwords from the users. Do you use dictionary words, birthdays, important dates like weddings, or less than 12 characters? If you use to do any of these, you have to stop doing them now.

I’d personally recommend 16 characters mixed with numbers, uppercase, lowercase and symbols, these characters when mixed together makes it difficult and impossible for hackers to crack your password.

In essence, the consistent use and changing of strong passwords frequently will help you to protect yourself from hackers.

Get a password manager

Do you find yourself forgetting to change your password at least every 5 months or you find it tiring to change and create strong passwords regularly? Then get a password manager and save yourself some hassles. Actually some good password managers has free versions that will make all these super easy for you.

If you need something free with good features you might want to try Lastpass password manager.

Use an antivirus/INTERNET SECURITY

One of the best things about internet security or antivirus is that even if you happen to forget some of the rules for protecting yourself, a good internet security will halt you and notify you of how dangerous what you are about to do is.

Some of these antivirus comes with extra tools that will not only help you protect yourself from hackers but will also help to boost your privacy. I’d personally recommend bit defender total security, also for the mobile device package: it comes with great features for both your security and privacy.


Always check the “from” details on email to detect when and if interceptions, man in the middle attack, or phishing has taken place.

Most online frauds that results in financial lost happens due to lack critical attention to details. For instance when your email gets intercepted via spoofing or any other hacking medium, extortion does not happen immediately, the hacker waits for the right time for payment and responds to your email with a similar email to the original one that has been sending you emails.

When they send you the payment details and you make payment without critically looking at the email details for any funny changes and similar stuffs, you loose the money and that’s the end, you won’t be able to get that money back in most cases.

Pay close attention to every email details that has to do with financial or any other important conversations, check for unusual and funny changes to protect yourself from hackers.


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Black hat hackers are working relentlessly to achieve their objective everyday, but it’s also your duty to stay up to date on how to protect yourself from hackers. Reading this post is great for a start but it’s not enough, you must put into practice everything you have learnt from this post and learn more by researching once in a while.

Meanwhile if you’d need a virtual assistant to help you through the process of securing your both online and offline digital assets, Geofsphere would be glad to offer you a pleasurable virtual assistance experience on that. You can start by chatting us up here or visit our virtual assistance page.

What Is Content Management And Why Every Business Needs It. Mon, 13 Sep 2021 06:31:00 +0000 What is Content management img


Content management is one of the most misunderstood concepts in information technology, it’s also a phrase that is used very often in the today’s business world, which begs the question: What is content management?

However, it might surprise you to know that content management has been around as early as 300 BC, remember scrolls? which were used in the olden days to write, preserve and store information.

Think about the Bible or Koran you read today for instance, we are basically talking about information created, documented, preserved overtime, went through edition and will still undergo more edition with the passage of time and the evolution of circumstance, most importantly created and published for human consumption.

Before defining content management, let’s define content first, to put it simple: Content is information produced via editorial process and basically intended for human consumption through publication.

Meanwhile, talking about content management, we are talking about collection, authoring, editing, reviewing, approving, publishing, versioning, comparing, and controlling.

Now flash back to the era of scrolls again, imagine those scrolls got burnt or got swept away by flood, imagine if we had computers those days to encrypt, store and distribute those information better. Now you can imagine the importance of the management, remember information is power.

Meanwhile, let’s fast-forward to today’s world and the amazing technology we’ve got today, anyone can literally create contents, publish them via many digital channels, re-edit, delete, version, preserve and even do more.

The most import facts is that these contents could be about anything: vital, fun, informative, marketing, and even more. It could also be in any form: Video, web formats like HTML and other coding languages, audio, graphics and more.

Furthermore, there are amazing content management systems today that we can use to manage contents efficiently and seamlessly without having so much knowledge on coding and other IT knowledge and experience. For instance WordPress, Drupal, Magento and other CMSs.

However content management can be divided but not limited to four major categories:

  • Enterprise Content management(ECM)
  • Web Content management(WCM)
  • Digital Content management(DCM)
  • Records Content management(RCM)

Enterprise content management (ECM)

This type of content management however is not necessarily intended for mass consumption but rather for general business purposes, for instance companies uses this type of content management to manage employee resumes, invoices, sales, employee files, incident reports, memos, and etc.

You could actually use a web application, software or custom app to run this type of content management, to help make business easier and more productive. The major implementations are usually access control, versioning, easy accessibility and preservation.

This type of management is traditionally known as document management or control. Ages ago this used to be done with shelves of folders, files and etc but now things are much more easier and safer with the modern content management technology.

Web content management (WCM)

This is the type of content management of which the publishing is basically intended for mass consumption usually through a website, blog, web application or mobile app.

The basic functions of this type of content management are: separating contents from presentation; Publishing business-related and non business-related articles or information via multiple channels, for instance one can use the help of API technology to publish the same article on different digital channels like social media pages, other websites and etc.

In essence it could be used to increase brand visibility, deliver and re-edit brand related information to customers, potential customers and other intended audience.

Digital asset management (DAM)

Digital asset management is the type of content management used in the management and manipulation of rich digital assets such as images, audio, and video for usage in other content or media.

The basic functions of this type of content management are: management and manipulation of metadata and media libraries.

Records management (RM)

This type of content management somewhat has some similarities with ECM, here we are actually talking about managing records like transaction records, customer emails and contacts, sales records, access records, contracts and etc. The major uses of this type of content management are: access control and easier auditing.

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Now, If by any chance you got asked “What is content management” on a random, am sure you’d be able to even say more than what was said here, because content management is something we deal with and use everyday. As you now know, the use of content management can never be over-emphasized, some of the uses are as below:

  • Preservation, accessibility, editing/versioning of business information and data.
  • Marketing/Advertising, Publishing, Editing/Updating, Delivering Brand-related Information/data and non brand-related information to the intended audience.
  • Boosting of business and brand visibility.
  • Records keeping, easy auditing and more.

Content is more about the future, It’s never permanently right. It’s just right at the moment.

Meanwhile, the fun fact about content management is that there’s hardly any business in today’s world which can keep up with the today’s market competition without proper content management. Geofsphere offers you an affordable yet very productive content management services.

To view our content management services click here. To start chatting with us now for more and quick inquiry click here.

Benefits Of Using Virtual Assistants Thu, 06 May 2021 07:00:00 +0000


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Really the benefits of virtual assistant technology can never be over emphasized in today’s business world, but then someone’s question out there right now might be “who’s a virtual assistant?”

A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who from outside the client’s office (home | remotely | their own office) provides majorly administrative services to/for a client. 

A virtual assistant job can span from simple jobs like social media manager, taking calls from clients, sending newsletter, assisting with coding, scheduling meetings to advanced ones like project management and business deals negotiation.

However, A virtual assistant is meant to be able to access the client’s necessary documents, such as planning documents, database, shared calendars remotely.

Meanwhile with the recent advancement in information and digital technology, virtual assistant is also now in form of artificial intelligence, which means that written programs, software, web applications and even robots can work or assist as virtual assistants.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the benefits of this great technology, in the next section we’ll break into details the interesting benefits of virtual assistant technology.


There are many benefits of virtual assistant usage but we are just going to discuss these ones as listed below:

  • Cost and resources conservation
  • Time conservation
  • High level productivity
  • Minimization of scaling operation risks
  • Better work quality
  • Access to different skills set

Cost and resources conservation

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Usually the traditional workforce style comes with some heavy responsibilities. When you think of hiring a team of staffs, you think of some basic office tools like furniture, computers/computer accessories and their networking, staffs welfare like  Worker’s compensation, Medical benefits and so on..

Virtual assistants on the other hand basically provides by themselves the resources they need to carry out the required tasks, you are not paying them monthly salary, you only pay when you need the services. When you hire a new staff, you don’t just spend money on extra resources and salary, you also spend money on recruitment. Virtual assistants are competent and qualified already for the job.

I could go on and on about this particular benefit but I have a feeling that you are thinking about them already. So in essence one of the most interesting benefits of virtual assistant technology is that it saves you money and resources.

time conservation

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Time is unarguably one of the most valuable asset in business, which if you fail to manage properly will cost you some other assets as well. It’s only rational that you should avoid being a jack of all trade and a master of none. Virtual assistants are not only hired by big businesses, as an entrepreneur you can hire a virtual assistant to work on a task you don’t have the expertise and experience for. 

For instance you are a python programmer and you are building a web application that requires react(JavaScript framework) for the front end and django(python framework) for the back end, it’ll be wise for you to hire a virtual assistant whom is an expert on react to handle the front end while focus your time and strength on the back end, as opposed to spending more time in learning a new programming language when you have a project to deliver.

Businesses also could save more time, contracting a virtual assistant when the workload is overwhelming the in-house staffs or when facing downtime, instead of waiting on staffs.

High level productivity

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There is a common trait every good virtual assistant has: They are always motivated to render a quality job. Why is that? They know they are self employed, and customers/clients are the pillars of their business, and that their business sustainability depends on client satisfaction. They will not only work to meet or exceed your expectation but also deliver a quality job. 

However the case is not always the same with in-house staffs. Though some in-house staffs are equally highly productive but most times virtual assistants takes the lead in productivity. In essence increased productivity happens to be one of the major benefits of virtual assistant technology.

Minimization of scaling operation risks

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As one’s business is growing, there’ll also be need for expansion on workforce and resources which will require extra funds, remember the old saying “with great power comes great responsibility”  This is where virtual assistance brings in a golden solution. Instead of spending huge amount of money on retraining the staffs on new skills to match your growth, or hiring new ones which will require more office resources, salaries and etc, you can use virtual assistants. Since in business one could lose contracts or run into natural disaster even when you have not recovered the money spent on the business expansion, it’s safer to use virtual assistants when scaling up.

Meanwhile, by application of virtual assistant technology you don’t just only minimize business scaling risks but you would also get to create the required resources and expertise to match your business growth and expansion.

better or increased work quality

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Basically, high quality job is a product of competency, dedication and experience.. A virtual assistant operates on the idea of convincing clients with actions rather than words, they don’t have to play politics nor win a boss over to get free pass on mistakes, they just have to deliver a high quality job. So with that notion they tend do whatever it takes to deliver high quality jobs.

Access to different skills set

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I have said this before and I’ll still repeat it again, it’s irrational to be a jack of all trade and a master of none. As an entrepreneur or a business manager/owner, you can’t train yourself on many skills and still be proficient in all of them, I know one can actually have a couple of skills but talking about being very good at them, you want to have an edge over your  competitors right?

You can’t have all the knowledge and experience you or your clients might require but you can access these knowledge and experience anytime you need them via virtual assistants. However you might think of hiring people with those experience as in-house staffs but before you do that, read the example below:

For instance you have an IT training institution and of course you need to hire instructors, it’s going to be more cost-effective to use virtual assistants than to employ instructors and have them paid monthly even when the customers inflow declined. In essence it’d be wise to call on the virtual assistants when a customer requests for training, that way you save more money and resources. This is the method most big training companies and businesses adopt in recent times.


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In conclusion, business is all about making and satisfying customers, but if your spending goes above your means then you’ll definitely have problems. It’s a wise idea to take positive steps in saving costs and resources and maximizing values.

With this I believe you have learn’t some of the benefits of virtual assistant technology, I’d also want to believe that you can  now develop other ideas on how to use virtual assistance to make your business thrive.

If you are looking for an effective and reliable virtual assistants for your business needs, feel free to reach us today, so we can discuss further on how to serve you better and provide an affordable yet satisfying solutions. To learn more about our virtual assistant services click here. To chat with us immediately on WhatsApp click here.
