7 Must-Ask Questions Before Paying for Your Website Design

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A website is a crucial aspect of any business in the digital age. It acts as a virtual storefront, giving potential customers a first impression of your brand.

Thus, investing in a website design that represents your business is crucial. However, finding the right web developer and paying for website design can be a daunting task.

Here are the five must-ask questions before paying for your website design:

1. Portfolio of Previous Work

Can you provide me with a portfolio of your previous work?

Before hiring a developer, ask for a portfolio of their previous work. This will give you a clear idea of their design style and capabilities.

Ensure that you look for websites in the same industry or niche as yours. This way, you can evaluate their experience in designing websites like yours.

However, your intended project might also look unique, and might have more like an out-of-the-box approach. In situations like this you must not necessarily look for the exact project in the developers portfolio.

You just need to confirm through the developer’s portfolio, that he/she is well experienced and dynamic enough to achieve the intended project.

2. WEBSITE Design Process

What is your design process?

A developer’s design process is crucial to know before hiring them. Understanding their design process gives you an idea of what to expect and ensures that you are aligned with their design approach.

Ensure that you inquire about their design research, wire-framing, mockups, and revisions process. Also take into account the requirements from you, and make sure you understand them properly before making payment.

3. Responsive Design

Can you design a responsive website?

With the rise of mobile usage, responsive website design is crucial. Ensure that you ask if the developer can design a website that adapts to different screen sizes.

A responsive website design will ensure that your website is user-friendly and accessible on all devices.

4. SEO Optimization

How will you optimize my website for search engines?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for online visibility. Ask the developer how they will optimize your website for SEO.

Ensure that they will optimize your website’s structure, meta tags, content, and images. You should also take into account how they plan to optimize your site for performance and speed.

This will ensure that your website ranks higher on search engines, leading to increased traffic and sales. Most times people tend to think too much about looks that they forget the productivity aspect.

5. Cost and Inclusions

How much will it cost, and what is included in the price?

Before hiring a developer, ensure that you understand the cost and what is included in the price.

Inquire about any additional costs such as hosting, domain, and maintenance fees. Additionally, ask about the estimated time frame for completion.


How do you plan to secure my website against hackers?

In the digital age, business owners tend to bring some basic transactions online, to save time, make business easier and faster for both the buyer and seller.

This in return has increased cyber attacks rates on websites and web applications by black hat hackers. Security of your website is of paramount importance.

Your developer should enforce some standard hardening of your site security system, like ensuring the option of 2 factor authentication, removing the possibility of SQL injection and other modern site security global practices.


Will my website be designed to aid conversion?

Your website design should not just be about modern UI and beauty alone, it should have the ability to capture visitors attention in seconds, a standard copy writing skills is required in conversion.

Your developer should be able to tell your site visitors how you can solve their problems with your products or services in a matter of seconds, using compelling landing and web pages on your website.

At the end of the day, your website should be able to help you improve your business, that’s why you are paying for it. To see more on how your website can improve your business check out this post.


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In conclusion, paying for website design can be an intimidating process. However, by asking these seven questions, you can ensure that you hire the right developer for your website design needs.

Remember to inquire about their portfolio, design process, responsive design, SEO optimization, security of your website and conversion possibilities.

With these questions answered, you can rest assured that your website design will represent your brand and help grow your business.

To get a productive and top notch website design that will address the mentioned questions, along with other great features, click here to start chatting with a dedicated developer at once.


Geoff is a python software engineer, a web content specialist, an IT virtual assistant and a tech private trainer.